niedziela, 28 czerwca 2015

6 healthy things you should *NOT* eat before running this summer 

I've heard somewhere 'the real courage is when you wash down prunes with sourmilk'. I think it was a stand-up comedian...but unless you want your next race to take a more melodramatic turn, you should steer clear of some 'healthy choices' in the run up (pun intended) to your next long run. 

1) Fresh veggies &  salads

- especially iceberg lettuce, mung bean sprouts, cucumbers, tomatos 

Iceberg lettuce, cucumber and tomato = a portaloo disaster; the thin skin and loads of fibre and water are guaranteed to send you on a run...the last thing you want on a race. Plus, fresh salads are easily perishable and may contain bacteria that may cause more serious food poisoning.

2) Fruit (except bananas) - especially strawberries and raspberries

Fruit make and excellent source of fibre, which keeps you regular and which is precisely why they shouldn't make their way into your pre-race diet routine. This applies especially to seasonal fruit such as strawberries and raspberries that have lots of tiny sees which pass our GI tract undigested, sweeping everything out on their way.

3) Dried fruit

A real fibre-bomb. Even a handful of innocent dried fruit can already contain your DRI of fibre. If not convinced, just compare the fibre content in fresh and dried fruit below:

Grapes / sultanas1.57
DatesNo data8.7

4) Beans & Pulses 
Fava beans, white and kidney beans, soy, lentils

A great source of fibre beloved by vegans, they can cause winds and flatulance which is surely *not* desireble on a long run...

5) Whole grains

Wholegrain bread and cereals are great, but due to their high fibre content and relatively low digestion time (lower GI), you'd better leave them for another day than the race day  
(* RUNNER'S  DELIGHT  #BLACK Race Day porridge is ok !) 

6) Dairy 

- cow's milk and yoghurt 

I love milk and I defo do not have milk intolerance...but I stay away from my favourite lattes the day before a longer run. Milk is a fairly biologically unstable product and it goes off quickly - you never know what your bacteria tolerance will be on any particular day. Plus, the bacteria in fermented milk products may additionally upset your stomach. 


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